Thought I'd post this. Kokum will be reborn and will rise again.
Was in Bohol this weekend to cook up something big for July. Sharing with you some of the pictures we took during down time.
For those vaguely aware of how we work in Stickdreams, this is basically the kind of environment we keep. Keeps all of us sane. Hahaha!
QTV's Hired is looking for a male IMAGE MODEL, 19-25 years old. Please email resume and photos to
Screening is on May 31, 8AM at the GMA Network Center.
For more information please call 0917-2441221 or 497-2715.
Was in Baguio recently to shoot for Hired. One of our cameramen, Disney, brought his SLR along. Sharing with you the pictures of me that he took.

Discussing treatment with my production team and hosts, Mariz Umali and Paolo Abrera.

During production.
Very few friends know that I am a chatter. Let's just say this is my coming out post.
Attended a meet-up recently and I'm glad to show you pictures of old and new friends that I've made online.
Me and Blackpool, my favorite online friend.
Leanmeat, JV, me, and R.
Me, Operakid, Zuma, Leanmeat, Blackpool, and Raymondog.
Love y'all. Blackpool, thanks for the pictures.
QTV's Hired is looking for the following:
- Male TV host - 19 to 25 years old
- Male image model - 19 to 25 years old
Email your resumes and photos to Screening for the male TV host is on Tuesday, May 6.
For more information, please call 0917-2441221 and 497-2715.
Spent a few days in Baguio last weekend to shoot my official directorial debut for TV. I am now Director and Headwriter for QTV's Hired, which airs Sundays 8pm.

Met an interesting guy there, Jimmy Choo, the hotel owner's dog - a 4-year old maltese poodle. He kinda took a liking to me and we spent a good 30 minutes together around the hotel.

Will miss you, Jimmy Choo!
Catch my directorial stint beginning May 11.
The Chronicler's Creed
Where there's water and sun, where there are friends to see or new people to meet, where there's something new to learn, experience, or do, where there's life, there I will be.
Y fue a esa edad... Llegó la poesía
a buscarme. No sé, no sé de dónde
salió, de invierno o río.
No sé cómo ni cuándo,
no, no eran voces, no eran
palabras, ni silencio,
pero desde una calle me llamaba,
desde las ramas de la noche,
de pronto entre los otros,
entre fuegos violentos
o regresando solo,
allí estaba sin rostro
y me tocaba.
And it was at that age... Poetry arrived
in search of me. I do not know, I do not know where
it came from, from winter or a river.
I do not know how or when,
no, they were not voices, they were not
words, nor silence,
but from a street I was summoned,
from the branches of night,
abruptly from the others,
among violent fires
or returning alone,
there I was without a face
and it touched me.
- An excerpt from LA POESÍA (Poetry) by Pablo Neruda